Thursday, January 29, 2004

Vendetta? We'll see....

More and more lately I've finally been getting into the world of online games, so I decided to try one of these massively multiplayer online games I've heard so much about. I've been trying out Vendetta (Linux, Mac, Windows) lately... to a certain extent. I just can't get into it. I know I'm supposed to go around shooting things, and there's something about flags that need capturing, but I can't find anyone to shoot, or any flags to capture. Sure, I see little red dots flying around my HUD radar, indicating an enemy spaceship (see, the whole thing takes place in space) but when I try to find this enemy ship it's nearly impossible. Aside from a few other minor gripes, the game just seems sort of well... boring.

Now, Guild Software does stress that what I've downloaded is more or less only an engine test for the game. Apparently they plan on eventually getting a publisher or something and then charging a monthly fee. If you ask me, they won't find a publisher with the game's interface in it's current state. However, my guess is that they will eventually start charging a monthly fee and I for one, will not pay it unless the game starts to get a whole lot better. Keep in mind, the time I've spent with Vendetta is still fairly short, and I will continue to play it until I'm sure I've seen enough of the game to have formed a decent opinion. Still, it seems like I'll be playing Cube a whole lot more than I'll be playing Vendetta...

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